Patrick Breugem, from Brewery Breugem, runs a good business. Beer is brewed weekly. Breugem’s beers are delivered to many bars, wholesalers for the retail and restaurants all over the Netherlands. To deliver the beer to the wholesalers, bars and restaurants, the beer is pumped into 25-liter casks. Breugem is aware that disposable casks are not environmentally friendly. That is why Breugem decided to deliver the beer in reusable casks. However, the choice to make use of reusable casks doesn’t mean that the kegs are returned, this makes a casks administration unavoidable. Patrick Breugem was looking for an easy way to register his casks and set up a cask administration. He searched for a solution that could be signed off immediately when the transfer takes place.

What is TellApe?

TellApe is the number one load carrier administration and registration app. The software is easy to use and has various functionalities with which real-time overviews van be offered. In the app, drivers and load-unloading employees can enter their information about the RTI’s during transactions and transfers. This data is real-time visible in the online portal. The administrator can then view and process all transactions and balances. Companies gain insight into their load carrier data via the Android mobile application and the online portal. TellApe offers a complete, low-cost and simple in use casks administration for companies in all sectors.

A big advantage of this is that it is easy and fast to create a complete overview of the stock, outstanding and incoming load carriers. Costs are immediately visible and, with the new scanning functionality, specific items can be registered. In this way, it is clear how often a single item has been issued and also when it must be removed from circulation. With the TellApe solution, companies are helped with the optimization of their load carrier flows and RTI losses are prevented. Due to the versatility of the application and the possibility of adding your own RTI types, a wide range of companies can be helped.

How did you come in contact with TellApe?

‘’I came across the TellApe product several times through an online search for a RTI solution. Online I came across a few other packages that also do RTI registration. I have tried demos with different packages. TellApe was the easiest and most complete solution for me, which is why I finally chose TellApe.’’

What was the problem you where dealing with?

‘’When I had just stated using reusable casks, I thought that customers would return the casks when I deliver a new supply of beer. Unfortunately, there are many brewers who all use the same type of beer barrel. The customer wants to get rid of the casks as soon as possible and returns it with the first courier that stops by. I quickly have troubles in my production process because I couldn’t get enough barrels in stock. Buying new casks every time is no solution either. As a special beer brewer you have to compete with many other brewers, it is a difficult market.’’

I had discussions with my customers about the number of beer casks. Thanks to TellApe we have both insight in these numbers and I have satisfied customers!

Was this a concern for the company?

‘’if your production process stops because you do not have enough beer casks, that is a concern, yes. This is because it is fairly close to how long the beer has to brew in the kettles. I am also aware that a lot of money is spent in beer casks. A cask costs €50,- so if you have to add 100 casks with every new batch beer in order to be able to fill it, that is a major debit.’’

How did TellApe help you to solve this problem?

‘’With TellApe, you can register every transfer movement directly in the app. When I deliver beer, I scan the barcode on the barrel, these barcodes are unique. The customer signs in the app for receiving the casks. A digital transaction voucher is automatically sent to the customer. The customer has in the transaction voucher the note which barcode must be returned to Breugem. The casks are put beside for Breugem to pick up. If the casks are taken back, the casks are scanned again. This data gives me much more insight than just which casks is by which customer. With this data I can also see how long a cask has been with a customer. How often barrels are delivered and how long a barrel lasts before it has to be replaced.’’

Would you recommend TellApe?

‘’Yes, I would definitely recommend TellApe. The app is very easy to use and the portal clearly displays all data organized. Casks administration isn’t difficult, as long as you use the right tools. The app is designed in such a way that it is usable in different industries. Personally, I have noticed that the app is good to use for the beer casks. I imagine that all food producers can use the app well.’’

Do you want better cask administration, just like Brewery Breugem? Do you also want to easily optimize your processes or do you want to start with a free trial right away? Please feel free to contact us, TellApe will be happy to discuss this with you!